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Romany People 


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Do all Roma People have the same traditions? 

No, Roma people are very diverse. Every group of Roma is different including their religion, marriage practices, and stories told to their children. However, one thing is the same that all Roma tell stories. This is how they learned their history. 

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What are the Origins of the Romany People? 

Historians and Anthropologists are still looking for this answer. Depending on the group of Roma, they will say either Egypt or India. Some of the customs and traditions are thought to be similar to the Indian culture which is why most anthropologists will say India. 

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What does a Roma wedding look like? 

In Roma culture, they do not have weddings often. Generally, what happens is a guy from the same subgroup likes a girl then starts dating. After a period of time, the girl moves in with the boy's family, and they have their first child. They are called married after a few children are born, and they move out of their parent's house. 

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Interesting Facts

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It's All in the Family

When young men and women get married, they are often marrying their cousins. The Roma people believe that marrying outside their group is detrimental to their culture and encourage their children to marry family. However, some groups will trade brides with other Roma groups. 



It is difficult to discuss this culture without discussing the horrible abuse they have faced. The Roma people are still some of the most hated people in Europe and Asia today. The label of Gypsy has kept children bullied for years. Laws and Governments are still fighting to change their way of life. 



It is important to note that most Roma do not have a high school education or even a middle school education. Some think that this is due to their culture which places more emphasis on learning by example than from books. The origins of the Roma are all based on some kind of trade like blacksmiths, or coppersmiths. These jobs placed more importance on skill than book knowledge. This is one major area of contention for lawmakers. 

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